ECEEE Summer Study

Since the first eceee Summer Study was held in 1993, this biennial, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral conference has developed into the most important energy efficiency event in Europe.

This year the Austrian Energy Agency’s Gabriele Brandl presented “Experiences from Austria in the Country’s Energy Audits Policy Implementation Developed Within the LEAP4SME Framework”, with a discussion in the side event “Energy Audits & Energy Efficiency policy implementation in Industry and Enterprises”.


Presentation and academic posters

Experiences from Austria in the Country’s Energy Audits Policy Implementation Developed Within the LEAP4SME Framework
Gabriele Brandl, AEA
View presentation
Mapping SMEs data in Europe
Academic poster
View poster
Existing support measures for energy audits and energy efficiency in SMEs
Academic poster
View poster

More about LEAP4SME