Behavioural insights and barriers for energy policies in enterprises

Behavioural aspects and issues related to energy efficiency in enterprises appear at present to be less investigated than in other sectors. Moreover, difficulties in quantifying the effects of behavioural changes in terms of saved energy make sometimes these benefits not properly taken into account.

The first aim of the session is to open a constructive debate between experts from the Academic world and National Energy Agencies, to take hints and insights to be applied into policy evaluation/implementation. A snapshot on the state of the art of energy audit/efficiency policies and programmes for SMEs in 9 European area Countries will be provided during the session.

LEAP4SME is a H2020 funded project made up of 9 National Energy Agencies, all belonging to the EnR network. The main aim of LEAP4SME is working to disseminate and improve energy policies for SMEs in Europe.

Agenda and presentations

MODERATOR Kerstin Schilcher (AEA)
15:00 - 15:10 Welcome
Enrico Biele (LEAP4SME), Kerstin Schilcher (AEA)
15:10 - 15:25 Drivers to Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Firms
Mette Talseth Solnørdal, The Arctic University of Norway
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15:25 - 15:40 Energy investment and energy management in for-profit companies
Catherine Cooremans, University of Lausanne
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15:40 - 15:50 Snapshot on SMEs energy policies in nine countries
Andrew Tod, EST
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15:50 - 16:00 Analysing the behavioural impacts of mandatory Energy Audits
Chiara Martini, ENEA
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16:00 - 16:10 Sustainable behavioural change in companies from the Swedish PFE
Thomas Bjorkman, SEA
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16:10 - 16:20 The Italian Information and Training Programme: Evaluation of energy savings and analysis of drivers and barriers for industrial energy efficiency
Michele Preziosi, ENEA
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16:20 - 17:00 Discussion
Moderator, Speakers, Q&A with attendees

More about LEAP4SME