7th edition of the biannual EnR event focusing on the application of behavioural insights in policies, programmes and actions.
The Energy Saving Trust presented a Research on behavioural aspects related to SMEs conducted as part of LEAP4SME, sought to understand how different SME stakeholders can influence decisions to invest in energy efficiency. It involved a Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) and semi-structured interviews with SME experts.
Session details
Name: EnR session: Behaviour change and energy efficiency in industry and SMEs
- Approaches to engaging businesses on energy issues and net zero (LEAP4SME) * Adrianna Threpsiadi
- Sustainability from the Top – how leadership and responsibility predict corporate sustainability * M. Keil
- Making SMEs more sustainable results and lessons from 4 behavioural studies * A. van Druten
Hosted by : Adrianna Threpsiadi (EST, UK)
For more details, please check the presentation by clicking here.