International Observatory

Representatives of 15 National Energy Agencies (Industry and SME areas), CINEA, the European Commission, UNIDO, MEDENER, Joint Research Centre, Green Industry Platform, Polytechnic University of Milan, Chamber of Commerce of Malta, and the European Energy Network, gathered in Rome for LEAP4SME’s international observatory on energy efficiency policies.


The observatory was a fantastic opportunity to discuss the state of national and European policies for SMEs, their barriers and enabling factors to unlock the enterprises’ energy efficiency potential; to look for links among SMEs and large enterprises policies; to discuss topics related to Energy Management Systems and Energy Audit policies/techniques for SMEs in view of EED requirements in 2022.

Agenda and presentations

15 September 2022
14.30 - 17.00 Energy efficiency policies in SMEs
Assessment of energy consumptions at national levels for policy purposes; energy efficiency barriers; insights from the policy implementation; evaluation of national programmes; results of in-depth assessments in the Countries of Austria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, United Kingdom.

  • Enrico Biele, LEAP4SME Coordinator
  • Dearbhla Stapleton, Programme Manager SME, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
  • Gabriele Brandl, Senior Expert, Austrian Energy Agency
  • Lorna Taliana, Senior officer Stakeholders Unit, Energy and Water Agenc
  • Thomas Björkman, Programme manager, Swedish Energy Agency

Coffee break (within the session slot): 16.00 - 16.15
View Key findings presentation
17.00 - 18.30 International programmes and initiatives for Industry, large enterprises and SMEs
Green Industry Platform and I-GO initiatives, UNIDO cooperation programmes for energy efficiency in developing countries, CINEA Life programme and results from EU funded projects on energy efficiency in industry & SME.

  • Oronzo Daloiso, Project Manager, CINEA
  • Marco Matteini, Senior industry officer UNIDO
  • Hannes Mac Nulty, Senior expert, Green Industry Platform
20.30 Joint dinner
Uliveto Roof Garden, via Principe Amedeo, 4, Rome
16 September 2022
9.45 - 11.15 Assessing, implementing and building effective policies for industry and SMEs in Europe
Results from LEAP4SME analysis and surveys; Energy efficiency policies in SME in South-Eastern Mediterranean Countries; Examples of programmes for the SME sector in Germany; in-depth assessments in the Countries of Austria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, United Kingdom

  • Enrico Cagno, Full Professor, Polytechnic University of Milan
  • Roberta Boniotti, Secretary General, MEDENER
  • Carlos Herce, Senior Researcher, ENEA
  • Akamitl Quezada, Senior Industry Expert, German Energy Agency-DENA

Open discussion
11.15 - 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 - 12.45 Plans and techniques to save gas in industry and enterprises - Joint meeting with the EnR IWG
Save Gas for a Safe Winter; national plans on energy saving in industry and enterprises; the EnR study on national measures to save energy; industrial energy efficiency and measures to save gas in Lithuania.

  • Paolo Calau, ADENE EnR Presidency 2022
  • Karolis Janusevicius, Head of Energy Efficiency, Lithuanian Energy Agency
  • Roberta Boniotti, Secretary General MEDENER

Open discussion
13.00 - 13.40 Lunch
13.40 - 15.40 The new architecture of Article 11 EED recast and national experiences in policy implementation
The new article 11 EED; article 8 policy implementation in Italy, Portugal and Sweden; barriers and challenges in managing energy audit obligation schemes in different Member States.

  • Edyta Nowak, Policy officer, European Commission DG-ENERGY
  • Enrico Biele, EnR Industry and enterprises working group Chair
  • Anders Pousette, Programme manager, Swedish Energy Agency
  • Marcello Salvio, Head of EE in the Economic Sectors Unit, Italian National Energy Agency
  • Paulo Calau, Head of Industry, Portuguese Energy Agency

Open discussion
15.45 Conclusions


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