Organised by SIEA, this workshop was both a training and observatory. The training session included the presentation of LEAP4SME project, overview/analysis of barriers and needs of SMEs and main results/outcomes from the project (SIEA), and the insight to potential solutions based on energy audits in SMEs for situations often indicated by SMEs.
The event also served to inform associations of SMEs together with SMEs themselves, organizations dealing with energy efficiency in SMEs and representatives of the state administration about the benefits of energy audits and the further implementation of recommended measures to save energy and increase energy efficiency in enterprises.
There was also a discussion on official policies for energy efficiency and energy audits in SMEs from the viewpoint and needs of SMEs as stakeholders and potential solutions for SMEs.

Agenda and presentations
9:00 - 9:15 | Úvod a predstavenie projektu LEAP4SMEWelcome and Introduction of project LEPA4SMEStanislav Laktiš, SIEA | View presentation |
9:15 - 9:30 | Spotreba energie v MSP, energetické audity/opatrenia a výstupy projektuEnergy consumption in SMEs, energy audits/measures and and project outputsJán Magyar, SIEA | View presentation |
9:30 - 10:00 | Bariéry a potreby MSP pri energetickej efektívnosti Barriers and needs of SMEs in energy efficiencyLadislav Piršel, alocons, s.r.o. | View presentation |
10:00 - 10:15 | Prestávka na kávuCoffee break | |
10:15 - 10:45 | Prípadová štúdia MTS Humenné Aplikácia konceptu “Energia ako služba” ako riešenia efektívnej dodávky energie v MSP Case study MTS Humenné Application of the "Energy as a Service" concept as a solution for efficient energy supply in SMEsAndrea Pancotti, Slovenské elektrárne, energetické služby / energy services | View presentation |
10:45 - 11:15 | Green PPA projekty ako nový pokrokový prvok na trhu s elektrinouGreen PPA projects as a new progressive element in the electricity marketRóbert Ruňanin, Engie Services, a.s. | View presentation |
11:15 - 11:45 | Pokročilé technológie, lokálne energetické zdroje a perspektívni agregátori – aplikácie pre budovy v MSPAdvanced technologies, local energy sources and prospective aggregators - applications for buildings in SMEsDaniel Hrčka, Viessmann, s.r.o. | View presentation |
11:45 - 12:15 | Možnosti aplikácie technológií merania a regulácie ako prostriedok úspor energie v budovách a MSPPossibilities of application of measurement and regulation technologies as a means of energy savings in buildings and SMEsJuraj Vícen, Juraj Paleček AMICUS SK, spol. s.r.o. | View presentation |
12:15 - 12:45 | Diskusia/Okrúhly stôl (observatórium) k energetickej efektívnosti v MSP – možnosti legislatívnych predpisovDiscussion/Round table (observatory) on energy efficiency in SMEs - possibilities of legislative regulations |