Spring Newsletter 2022

Newsletter #4 |  Spring 2022

LEAP4SME is halfway there!

We are now 18 months into our 3-year project working to help support SMEs to become more efficient

Much work has already been done, including the following reports: There is still a long way to go with more news, reports, events, and trainings on the way! Stay tuned!



The Austrian Energy Agency will be presenting LEAP4SME at World Sustainable Energy Days. In particular, they will focus on the work being done mapping SMEs in countries across Europe.

If you want to learn more about the project, and the work being done in the wider field of energy efficiency, visit our website for updates from the event and more information on the work being done to make Europe's small businesses more efficient
Learn more


LEAP4SME interview series launched

We have spoken to energy efficiency leaders across Europe to learn more about what can be done to help SMEs become more energy efficient.

Ilaria Bertini, Director of the Energy Efficiency Department at ENEA, gives her insights into the work being done on both the Italian and European levels.
Read the interview


New year, new look!

We have a new website! 

As the project continued to grow and produce more content, reports, and information on our ongoing work, we needed a new space to make it all easily accessible.

Come on over to leap4sme.eu and explore our new site!
Visit website


Interreg coverage


LEAP4SME has been featured on the SMEPlus section of the Interreg Europe site. It highlights the project's work on barriers to energy audits.

> Learn more
@leap4sme @leap4sme


EnR best practices


LEAP4SME has been included in EnR's catalogue of best practices related to behavioural insights of energy policy.

Learn more by checking out both the catalogue and the LEAP4SME fact sheet below.

> EnR Catalogue
> LEAP4SME fact sheet



Race To Zero - UNFCC


Energy Saving Trust organised a workshop in February as part of the Race to ZERO campaign, bringing together SMEs, larger businesses, governments, agencies, researchers, and NGO officials, to discuss opportunities to achieve breakthroughs in the innovation and deployment of clean technology.

Five breakout room discussions were organised with LEAP4SME co-organising and coordinating the SME session.


EU Green Week 2022

EU Green Week is accepting applications for partner events.

DG Environment has launched a call for Partner Events to be organised around Europe and beyond during EU Green Week, from Monday 30 May to Sunday 5 June 2022

Learn more
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 893924.
Copyright © 2022 LEAP4SME, All rights reserved.


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