Energy Evaluation Europe

Claudia Toro (ENEA) and Jack Wilkinson-Dix (Energy Saving Trust) presented LEAP4SME at the Energy Evaluation Conference in Paris.

The conference provided an opportunity for energy policy makers and program managers, evaluators, academics and energy professionals to come together to share their experience and work together to address common issues and concerns.

The event took place from 28-30 September 2022.


Overview of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes for SMEs in Italy
Claudia Toro, Enrico Biele, Carlos Herce, Chiara Martini, Marcello Salvio / ENEA, Adrianna Threpsiadi, Jack Wilkinson-Dix / Energy Saving Trust
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Best Policy Practices for Supporting Energy Efficiency in SMEs in UK
Adrianna Threpsiadi, Jack Wilkinson-Dix / Energy Saving Trust Claudia Toro, Enrico Biele, Carlos Herce, Chiara Martini, Marcello Salvio / ENEA
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