Autumn Newsletter 2022

Newsletter #6 |  Autumn 2022

Energy audits guide released

Developed by CRES and REVOLVE, our energy audits guide contains everything you need to know about energy audits, and tips on how to make your business more energy efficient.

The guide is available in English, Greek and Slovak.
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International observatory in Rome

The project held its first in-person meeting in September 2022, combining it with an International Observatory that brought together stakeholders from across Europe to discuss energy efficiency and energy audit policies.
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Energy efficiency trainings continue

Our series of national trainings and observatories continue as we engage with stakeholders to both inform them on our work on energy efficiency, and to learn more about what can be done to improve energy efficiency across the continent.

Catch up with these events below:

23 June - Malta (Rabat)
24 August - UK (online)
9 November - Portugal (online)
24 November - Italy (Bari)


Research papers released

The project has published its first three research papers. Energy Saving Trust discuss energy efficiency policies in the UK, ENEA highlight the situation in Italy, while publishing a further paper on energy monitoring and management systems.
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EC announces covenant of companies


The Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy is a new pilot initiative from the European Commission, seeking to help European companies to transition to the net zero economy.
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LEAP4SME was present at the 17th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES).

We presented two papers on energy efficiency during the Energy & Environment session, presenting findings from our International Observatory, and a methodology on characterizing energy consumption.

Learn more about SDEWES here.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 893924.
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