Summer Newsletter 2022

Newsletter #5 |  Summer 2022

Energy efficiency measures report released!

Learn more about the latest research from ENEA into the best practices in promoting energy efficiency in SMEs.

In our latest report, we look into work being done in countries across Europe, and what we can learn to develop better policies for the future.
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National trainings underway

The first national trainings and observatories have started taking place across Europe, with events being held in Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Greece, Malta, and Croatia.
We are organising this series of national trainings and observatories as part of the project’s work to both inform and to learn from SMEs about what energy efficiency means to them.

Catch up with these events below:

17 May - Italy (Milan)
14 June - Italy (Naples)
23 June - Malta
29 June - Portugal
29 June - Slovakia
12 Juy - Greece


LEAP4SME attends ECEEE Summer Study

Gabriele Brandl (AEA) presented “Experiences from Austria in the Country’s Energy Audits Policy Implementation Developed Within the LEAP4SME Framework” at the ECEE Summer Study, with a discussion in the side event “Energy Audits & Energy Efficiency policy implementation in Industry and Enterprises”.
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Collaborative Workshop

Partners and experts from two H2020 and two Interreg funded projects met for a joint virtual workshop aiming to inform and update participants on the relevant results from each other’s activities. The main topic of discussion was co-energy benefits in energy audits and energy efficiency policies/programmes for SMEs.
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EU Sustainable Energy Week


Project coordinator Enrico Biele (ENEA) will be representing LEAP4SME at EU Sustainable Energy week, as part of the session 'Boosting the uptake of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in SMEs across Europe.'

The session will be held online at 16:30 on 21 September.
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Energy Evaluation Europe

Claudia Toro (ENEA) and Jack Wilkinson-Dix (EST) will be presenting LEAP4SME at the Energy Evaluation Conference in Paris.

The conference provides an opportunity for energy policy makers and program managers, evaluators, academics and energy professionals to come together to share their experience and work together to address common issues and concerns.

The event takes place from 28-30 September.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 893924.
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